Fire Newsome
Every river bed channel in Southern California, the Rio San Gabriel, Rio Hondo, Compton and the main LA River can be used to be the perfect catch of all trash and water from rain run off forever. Let's not be the generation that is blamed for the extinction of the human race due to flagrant shortsightedness for profit thinking and short term solution failures.
In Los Angeles alone when winter storms come in Jan\Feb the total volume of rain water partially fills the river beds due to drought with free rain water. We can redesign the channels here and globally to catch all the rain water the earth provides for FREE. Duh! If we do have some sort of freak weather and it rains year round for decades due to global warming from carbon monoxide emmisions from gas vehicles or whatever it is matters not really we will have at least put in place a system to collect it all and the left over can be used to flood the deserts every day.
We make every continent with cities of the like catch all natures gift, instead of lazily desalinating the freaking oceans, a massive waste of water, energy and resources to produce water. Whomever wasted the resources on this fiasco should be sued and shot, as for draining the ocean for living water will only lead to more lazy ideas in the future. Desalination is a lazy solution for greedy unaccountable for profit only hilariously stupid idea. If money is allowed to allow these types of ideas to flourish then the money needs to be banned, so those with the most money cannot ever have their ideas put into motion.
The Earth makes fresh water in rain everywhere, so collect it and use it. All areas of land need and should already have this in place. No water = no people. Buyingj it from other sources not only wastes trees to print money for, but it wastes resources to boot. We must focus on the essential's of humanity's needs.
Trap, pump, collect and treat every drop of water the skies deliver forever. End the droughts and be the example for all to follow.
In 1978, at 12 years old, in South Gate, CA., I seen the rainfall collected in the Rio Hondo river bed behind my house. I went out to see it, it was lightly raining at the time, the water was about a foot or two from the top lip, nearly overflowing. If I knew then what I know now I would have taken pictures, as it dumps into the main LA river, just a quarter mile down the way. No car then, so I missed seeing the convergence and how full the LA riverbeds were that day, a regret for sure. I remember telling my pops about it and seeing it from the upstairs bedroom window, then walked over to where I could see it closer. It was mind boggling and mesmerizing to see. I got curious and decided to go measure the river bed, pre-google, when it was dry the following week. I did guess at the depth and side angles, but I did step-measure the bottom and the sides. Trying to figure the volume and guessed the MPH\Kph of the flow when full. Raging and roaring brown fresh rainwater racing past with debris in it and was wondering about of where it's going and how much it was. If someone is smart enough we can determine the amount of water they all hold and place this number in gallons on the TV news and social media today. And keep repeating it over and over like commercials and do documentary's on it. This would raise awareness to the point of firing all that have carefully planned to omit it. If the corporate media is only funded by the corporations, then only profitable propaganda is promoted and life essentials common sense gets censored or ignored.
The volume of wasted rainwater for 60 years is near the octillion mark or more. With 2-4 storms a winter, that's a disgusting waste of water. This could have saved the city from trucking in the water from the Colorado and we would have never needed bottled water and could have saved the resources of making the plastic bottle industry and not have to waste more resources cleaning them up. Now it's March 2023, and if you live in LA with the amount of rainfall and blizzards snowfall we've had just since January, we've lost thousands of trillions of gallons.
Use the water, remove and recycle the debris. We need to use the LA River or one like it as a test zone for the entire planet. If global warming is a thing and more severe weather is coming, in the form of changed and un-before seen by man rains, it's time to redesign it and all like it, to catch, clean and save every drop, yes every drop!
We have the technology to do so and to do better. If we effort it seriously, I am sure there's someone out there that could design it to filter the water collected right back into the ground water while it's raining.
To me, I see how, so simple really. Stop the water from flowing at the exit points in Long Beach and Seal Beach for the Rio San Gabriel riverbed channel. Clean them up with the intention to make it as sterile as possible.
First, we install locks like the Panama Canal, with side wall and\or floor pump intakes along the bottom every 10-15 miles, with grates and clean outs to drain it when it's full.
We could even rebuild many of the bridges center and side supports, as a dual purpose lock and support, where they can be designed to open and close and still support the bridges.
Second, Trap and\or divert the water to places more feasible along the 52 mile water shed to lessen the run of pumping long distances, like instead of from Long Beach to Santa Fe or Arroyo Dams, have a few of them or one per each city or district, instead of just one large facility.
Third, Create a massive filtering system for the collected water to treat it and then reuse the rainwater in realtime. Live, direct from the sky to the tap in every city, county, state and home. There will be excess water for ground water re-saturation replenishment like nobody's business.
The excess reusable water will be so abundant that the water prices will drop to free and we'll have provided the future with fresh water always for southern CA. and everywhere.
Each city with such watershed channels will be the supplier of all water to even the driest of places and no longer be dry. We could refill all lakes and reservoirs to end droughts permanently.
Even when it's not raining every drop that naturally flows can be collected as well. Daily waste with just the trickle it constantly has is a huge volume of water too. We could build a containment lock near the end of the paved main channels for this water too, let it fill monthly and pump it back to treat also.
Close the main channels' mouth to the oceans with locks and elsewhere along the way if need be, as not to build up speed and let all the river bed channels fill up to full tilt, as by slowing the water flow to a dead stop. Use a water level float sensor to kick on the pumps and pump it out. Hopefully the walls will hold the water long enough to pump out without collapsing, as they are now 80 years old and if not then repair them so they can. This also prevents overflowing the channels or a collapse, remember Katrina and New Orleans, learn from that and avoid being the second city to fail its people.
The heavy debris will settle and the water above can be pumped off and piped up back to the dams or holding tanks to reverse osmosis treatment plants. We can also pump it back to the dams with pipes, either along the top walk path or along the out side of the walls of the channel or reuse a portion of the city's street drains to the riverbeds in reverse, back to the dams or holding sites.
We'll have to build pumping stations and remodel sections of the channels floors and walls for the pump intakes with grates and screens so only water gets in the return pipes and either dig routes for new pipes for the returns or devise a reuse of the storm drains already under ground that feed each channel.
Create a new holding site, like out in Lancaster or Edwards Air Force base area or where ever is the most logical point(s) along side their lengths. Turn it into a new water holding reservoir to treat the dirty water. The more intelligent in the field of water management should be able to determine the methodology, logistics and most feasible per each pumping section location, that's why they have their college degrees on their walls.
Every debris trap can be cleaned out after the water is removed and th rain stops and this stops all the debris from the watershed beds, run off and blow in from ever making it to the ocean, saving marine life from pollution and no more plastic guyers in any ocean ever again. Lots of new jobs for volunteers. As the years go on less and less debris will be in the channels.
As for the daily 204M gallons, times 365 days = X gallons ... anyone ? anyone? Bueller????, we build a special sections to collect and pump the rainfall without having to close the flood gates\locks at the harbor mouths. Divert it somewhere closer to mid channel and process it daily. This way there is no more center channel algae growth to be a breeding ground for water borne disease viruses like Covid. I am sure some engineers could find a way to even filter and or chlorinate the daily water to be sanitized before filling a mid channel holding reservoir.
Recycle as much of the trash, debris and water as possible. Make the river beds so nothing can get in, but water. Improve street and elsewhere screens and grates. If someone gets into the full of water channels they can climb right out, as the water isn't flowing 40 mph, it's just like a pool, just build swim outs, steps and hand rails along the sides every so far apart. No more putting other lives in danger trying to save someone falling in.
If we're gonna do something to leave behind for future humans, this should be it, get on it already. Don't let another winter's rain water pass. Humans of the future will have so much fresh water they wont have to buy bottled water ever again.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
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