Resource Based Society


 Aloha all,

 I just read a 2019 article about energy from the moon w solar panels… that is not the answer, that is a solution of wasted resources derived in order to gain energy to keep the status quo of the money culture. 

This is not favorable, if we use such ideas we will only further be destroying the earth for profit. The solution is to leave the moon alone and mars alone. 

Earth is the priority. The sun for solar power is all we need, even with the clouds, shadows or atmosphere. 

 The problem lies with the need to keep the status quo of using money to get things done. The rate of energy we use and the cost it takes to keep that rate is destructive to the earth and all its life. Energy from the moon would only allow that to expedite that line of thinking. Plus it's like street gangs spray painting walls to mark territory w graffiti, but on a planetary scale…no bueno… a horrible concept to use. That is the weakest form of intelligence humans can do. 

That’s saying we are too selfish to change ourselves, so let's keep the depletion of resources pace until we ruin other worlds. That’s just greedy, selfish, shallow, short term thinking. 

What we do instead is use the sunlight coming to earth and power the planet at the rate of the solar power through the atmosphere and slow ourselves down to that rate. This way we save the resources and stop drilling for oil, coal and gas. We end geothermal and nuclear power sources and wasting energy by having 8 billion people striving for their own personal ego and selfish desires to be unique or outstanding of others. We also don't need solar panels on every roof top, that’s ludicrous. We just build a station of collection on every continent and distribute the suns power to each at whatever that rate is. We just mirror nature and use less energy at only the rate it comes in from the sun naturally. Once the power issue is solved everything becomes free of charge to all on earth. We stop wasting energy on useless avenues of individual power consumption to run mom and pop stores, strip malls, and all non essential products. Remove the money game culture mindset of trying to charge every person for a profit for any item. 

Many are already considering Resource Based Economies, but that also suggest a profit, we dont need to sell or buy anything. The solution is Resource Based Contribution Culture. We only need to produce clean Air, Water, Food, Medicine and shelter. Along with global recycling and waste management systems. Once the Basic Essential needs are met and made to be sustainable with clean renewable waste-less energy, we need only to decide globally as one species to help all life live without a restriction of money earning or collecting. Once that is removed we then can decide what to do with all the free time we have. Unity is the only survival solution for life on earth. A global forum will be constructed to have everyones’ two cents be heard then take the steps to achieve what’s necessary instead of the failure and wasteful culture we have created through the use of money. This way we end waste and preserve the planets resources for a sun less era, billions of years down the road. If we use them all up now for greed and profit we won’t have any to make use of the sun when the limited resources run out…We must always be thinking of the next generation of humans and stop the needless useless wasteful culture of in the now only solutions. 

Abolish the shallow selfish money culture on earth before we venture out into the universe, its the only way to proceed. There’s too much lateral motion in the money culture to be unified and achieving a common purpose of a sustainable survival planet. Right now and for far too long humans in the money culture are treating their Home Planet like a Frat house. 


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