Money's Wake
Like I said to my mother one day, if she has a mountain of gold and I have a field of food and she becomes hungry and asks to buy some apples because she has some rocks she believes has more value and immense buying power, I say to her "go fuck yourself", take off hoser, these apples aren't for sale, money has no value to me or anyone else that produced them, but I will give you as many as you need to eat today.
The belief that money has any value or power and the assuming reinforcement belief that everyone else on earth believes it too is changing. The uncovering of all the negative aspects have finally come to light to all with the use of the internet. They are trying to keep a lid on it but to no avail. They lost control long ago but they keep advertising and promoting on media that all is well…lol, NOT, let them waste all the money they have trying to convince others that they still have the power and the control until they are broke from it….ha ha ha ha…
We’ve show the next generation the new path and have given enough examples of the old ways during the human use of money. All that’s left is for the super closed minded who still doubt and will probably forever doubt money is over. For what ever reasons they hold on to that belief matters not anymore. The rigged game of money has every loser of the only one can win the game programmed to strive to still compete, GAME OVER… no more lives, insert another quarter….lol.
Everyone that’s not the one winner is a loser of the game, so now we offer a new game only it has everyone as the winner. Everything will be free to all humans and life. No more pay to play, eat, live, survive. No more I have the most or more money so my rules are promoted and set as law. No more shall anyone have to obey any rules or laws or guidelines set by the corrupt money culture, ever again. Many already dont agree or obey them and the unlucky ones ended up in their prisons and jails. We’re here to free them and all humans that follow us so they never have to suffer from lack of funds because others have more than them.
I am 55 now, my parents generation may see this hopefully someday but most of them from that period died not knowing any thing but what they were raised in. The future generations already know from people like myself telling others this day of free from money control would come, as far back as the 70’s and even further back than this, 2-5K years ago. So its nothing new it just took the tool of the internet to inform the masses about it.
Sadly many have been silenced by money power to hide any opposition, but now like getting caught red handed with your hand in the cookie jar, there’s no defense for them. The rulers become the victims and the victims become the rulers. Only and wisely the new rulers will punish all that seek to reinstate money as a culture. With abolition of money and its culture we gain everything for everyone without the old tactics. Pure freedom evolves amongst humanity and we only work to sustain and prolong life as we know it without needlessly wasting the resources on striving for luxury in exuberance to the point of being ludicrous, extravagant or flagrant.
What we become is wise and caring working in harmony to better humanity with no restrictions and no waste for individual satisfaction thru greed, corruption, ego and just for the hell of it. Promising at least this is, also a whole new perspective and awareness of our environment and fellow humans for the first time in modern technical culture. We strive to make all the food, air water shelter and medicine available to all for their entire lives. This in abundance makes trying to sell it to each individual obsolete and ridiculously stupid, so stupid that we cant believe we ever let it go on so long for our hindered sight of it.
“Grand pa tell me again of the times when humans were so ignorant to use money again, I love that story”, “Ok Timmy, but after this you have to go to bed”. lol. “Once upon a time in the not so distant past……”. So with this as a perspective only now being uncensored we can learn, alter and implement a new path.
I’ve written, posted, emailed, wrote letters and talked about this for years, only now is it coming to bloom. The seeds of this talk were planted by my ancestors whom were persecuted and killed for such things. No more shall this be the case. Humanity is set a new course as we have tacked away from its old ways and are at liberty to chart a bright new future culture utilizing the lessons of those mistakes. So go out and talk to everyone now about it, referral is the greatest form of delivery.
This independence year 2021 marks a new era of creativity and direction. Just look at the stuff still being aired on corporate media and social media still trying to revive it with the perspective of this new era and you too will laugh and cry over it. Onward and upward we say, we do and we will prevail. Once you see as I see we will see as we see together and let nothing of the past culture interfere with this. Like finding out someone was cheating at poker…. Be nice and move on, dont draw your colt and end their life, for they only knew what they were programmed to do. Be thankful we see better now. Be positive and be helpful, you won’t be dissatisfied, I promise.
So what shall you do to help is the main question. Do what ever you choose to do as long as it’s for the betterment of humanities a whole, instead of the individual. Americans may have the most trouble with this, because the spoiled have blindly had this pounded into them all their lives. But this too can be a positive as we have seen they obey well when they think its for the common good. The one nation on earth that has the resources to help should be the leader to setting the example of making everything for free to all thru abundance. They have the best foot up so to speak, their foot in the door and with a little coaxing the umph to make it happen far more than a trend, fad or fly by night idea.
Their influence has proven in the old forced culture to be an example but only here and there due to private greedy interests. Without the restrictions of money control to influence they will be able to exceed limitations boundaries and personal beliefs. Overcoming racism, slavery, discrimination, inequality and the like, money is just the last obstacle of separation between humans. So if we wisely guide it to benefit everyone it should win out globally for all. I have no doubt in this. Set aside fears set in by that old system of “nobody will agree to this” or any negative projections, assumptions or anything stopping the mental practice of turning over this leaf.
The already invested of, all their lives or half their lives or just starting out in the old money culture will be the sacrifice to let go. I see it now in 30 - 40 year olds, giving up the union’s and working for themselves and I see the 60 and up worrying about losing what they’ve acquired. I also see that the 50 year olds are most open to the change along with the millennials.
Not all but its an observation that’s undeniable to see if we look. I get it, they ask how do we live without it? What will it be like and how will it be accepted. They say “but I worked my whole life for this stuff and now you’re saying its all going away and that I did it for nothing. They take it as a slap in the faee or that they’re realizing that there’s no way they could have been that in the dark. Not necessarily in the dark but at a loss of knowing what will come of this shift or change. What happens to my property, house, money, inheritance and our way of life? All valid concerns, I empathize, understand and I feel for them as it too effects me. The difference is I am already willing to forgo it all long ago, never was on board except to struggle through it to live as there was really no alternative but I didn’t stop believing in a change was coming, for I saw at 14 how insane it was and committed to efforting a change to it. I knew it meant no inheritance and no easy way out, but I also knew that if we could change it, nobody suffers and nobody has to endure its broken ways. So with that as fuel I strived to be heard and find like mined to help it come to fruition.
The chance is now more than ever before, the dominos are all set up to fall in place for such a transition and we will prevail, because more of the same is just cruel and unwise. So what will it be like to for go the holdings, property, money and the like, hard for some and easy for others. It will be determined for each individual by their own doing in their own way. I may not get a free meal 3 times a day, but I will be damn sure everyone younger than me will. For what else is there to effort?
We get everything for free, we get a free pass on everything all our lives, from birth to death. No costs, prices, setbacks, debts, hurdles or obstactals keeping humans from getting everything they need to live on earth for their entire lives without having to pay for it, or to make money to acquire it. We make everything we need the essentials for one humans life span to be comfortable and painless. We effort making only these necessities, clean air, water, food, shelter, energy and medical help in abundance as our only jobs then literally everyones dream can come true for there will be nothing to stop it. I.E. money. Only money stops dreams from coming true or the lack of it, well if that’s the thorn in the foot, remove the fucking thorn, duh, doh bart!
So in light of all this perspective the steps necessary to achieve such a grand master plan we only need look to ourselves. Ask “ will I help?”. Sure you will, we never have to worry about paperwork, titles, offices, courts, police, banks, protection, prisons, spying, surveillance, identification, passports, tickets, fines, mailboxes and whole list of other things pursuant to the money culture. The pursuit of happiness becomes nothing to pursue, it’s achieved for all. They say I am a dreamer of the impossible, not so, what is the pursuit of happiness and when does that pursuit end, when is it captured? It is captured only when we escape the bonds that keep us from obtaining it. Sounds like the rock group Journey’s theme. lol.
It’s independence day 2021, July 4 th so lets actually extend our independence of tyranny of the crown of England, if that’s what it was truly about, ha ha and take it one more leap further, instead of trying to escape the taxes of kings, let’s just end the tool kings use to tax us with… The Money altogether. How has this not been thought of or pursued before? I know I am not the only crazy person out there, but if I am to be the next martyr for it then so be it. Tired of waiting I am, and of all the bullshit that we’ve had to endure waiting for it.
Psychoanalysis, Crazy Train, Anger Management? Maybe, or just willful passion to pursue an idea of happiness, my dream, or dare I my religion? I don’t know or really care at this point, I don’t see it as a matter of hope, just a matter of opportunity and will power. United we can achieve anything, no mountain too large to climb or valley too low to cross, but to keep doing this as is, is defiantly not an option for humanity any longer in my opinion.
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