There’s a whole lot of people that need expression of feelings therapy. Listen to them, don’t interrupt or correct them, let them release the repressed feelings before they get off the rollercoaster of life. Touchy- feely has come back around. We can get a whole group of people together for a concert and sing in chorus the chorus of the song, we can do this globally too.
If we all sang loud enough could we hear ourselves around the planet? Trippy cool. What frequency would that be? Human chorus. We all sing Help me Rhonda, Beach boys, or any songs that have ups and downs and pauses and lulls so we can anticipate the words to listen for…. I bet we could all be heard, all 8 Billion of us. Lets make this happen. Or good vibrations by the beach boys. Row row row your boat, lol, raindrops keep falling on my head.
If we all sang at the same time, stopped whatever were doing, go outside and without microphones, amplifiers or speakers…. How far away would the sound travel, what decibel and record it. Much more fun than going to work.
IF we can stop for a virus, we can stop for fun too. As we believe so shall we do…. The frequency for money culture is too negative, all the stress and worry and angst and all the others are killing us as a species. We need to start singing and sharing together so we’ll only be receiving positive vibes all the time. Shit will change quick if we do. It can’t not change. Give it a shot, we aren’t now and look at what we got from it. Pass it on.
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