Evolution of humanity from caves to inner cities. From using a club for domination to using currency. It is all too clear now to see how physical strength was curtailed by the use of money to exert younger muscle to protect the older through payment of coin or mere paper. As time went on they developed groups and army’s and country’’s and to what we have now.
What we have now is the outcome of that little transition and it grew into a world of corruption and competition between each other as a quest to see who could OWN more than the other and along the way it only proved to be a gross waste of natural resources. Too many strived for that goal without regard to tomorrow. How sad and misguided, juvenile and un-evolved that thinking is and was.
What’ s more amazing to me is not that there is corruption or the acknowledgment of it but the lack of effort to end it. I would like to say its a mindless beast but its not, sadly its a very mindful juggernaut. So to eliminate it we must start with thought. Being too busy to help stop it is no longer an option. All know it yet most dont bother to address it and if they do, there’s opposition to censor it. We just have to have more opposition against the opposition for it. Too many are set in the value of the loss of it, for reasons of their own personal and general lack of how to go about it. In a already established comfortable zone of living with it trying to alter it becomes the challenge. To remove the pacifier from the baby’s mouth leads to the too well know lesson that the baby’s gonna cry and annoy us. So avoidance of this deters most from even entertaining the idea.
The masses have become too familiar with the status quo, so they dont bother. They can no longer sit idly by and ride its path. Time has come for them to address it head on and end it. When it happens to the masses instead of just pockets of cases per individuals then all will see and awaken to it and then we’ll have the numbers to remove it. Some sow this decades or even centuries ago while others are just finding out today. Granted in the recent past only 20 years ago has the ability to get uncensored information about it come into use for the masses.
The culture breeds supports and enforces the herd into their mold to produce for the sustaining of that culture. A fine model proven to work, just look at how it has made humanity today. Its not the model that’s fouled its the direction and goals. We see what those are when we step back or take a break from that hamster wheel. Many see this early on and choose to or not participate in it. Those that choose to opt out of that cycle see its negative impact and go their own way and the culture ostracizes them for it. Making all those that go with it the do gooders for that system.
Those that support it dont get punished like those that dont support it, but they get punished in other ways even though they support it, for the culture is geared to take more than it produces and encourages its constituents to do the same. Creating herds of the same style of what we now see as horribly and disgustingly harmful to the environment of all life. The lucky are the ones that see where its heading before they get sucked into its meat grinder and escape its indoctrination. Others that choose to fall in line either were forced to follow from outside pressures or just didn’t care or any number of reasons to follow. Whatever the choices were influenced or chosen the remaining result is a mass of humans following knowing its not the best or its the only easy choice to make at the time per their circumstances.
The rest knew at that moment regardless of circumstances and made a go of what ever else is out there. Basically thought control or think for yourself. So those that choose the latter got a different vantage point to see the matrix and now those in the matrix are just catching up, for it did finally expose itself to them, but sadly they lost most of their life’s time to it. Either denial or circumstance or both and or more reasons took them there. Boy this bed of nails is all I have and yes it hurts but it also feels great and I must be blessed to have this pain. Instead of saying no thanks I’ll lay on the soft grass outside. Creating resentment and ill feelings for the grass layers the bed of nailers feel they provided the grass. So were here now and what do we do to reconcile and help everyone share the grass and all be comfortable. The frequency of the bed of nails vs the grass layers is the disharmony. Two competing wavelengths. The grass layers saw they didn’t need to lay on the bed of nails to achieve comfort and the bed of nailers strive all their lives to find a patch of grass to lay on. But the grass layers still had to effort just enough to keep on the grass inside that bed of nails, because the bed of nails is the norm.
There fore we have our culture today all messed up and at odds with each other amidst a plethora of other differences. Navigating these waters is tricky and ever changing, for every time someones finds a way to surf through the waves unscathed the wave makers find a way to disrupt them, only creating and sustaining the disharmony. Instead of working together to make it calm and harmonious for all they seek to keep the course that keeps them from achieving harmony. That’s the shit that has to stop. We know the cause of it and we still fail to either acknowledge it or dont care to. Sooner has come than later now because those the took the nail path finally see what the grass layers already figured out and are peering of the fence to see how they too con survive without it. The homeless are proof, they’re still living, albeit not as well or to the level of comforts but they’re not dead either. Their life span may be longer or shorter, less comfortable and or maybe less stressful depending on circumstances per the individual and their perspective. But alive is still alive regardless of any situation.
The “live like us or else” culture had its run and now its over, even for the wave riders its over for them too. Leading all to the point of unity. Unity must be achieved in order for either to survive. Those that are striving for their own patch of grass to lay on and ride out the end of their lives are finding they didn’t have to waste their whole lives to do so and some of them cant even lay down on the patch they created to relax, because they’ve been doing the hamster wheel too long, their muscles have too much memory working to create the path, they do know how to rest or use the muscles in any other way.
The light and the hope is now upon us all, regardless of paths. The bed of nailers have found that the path they took has hit a brick wall, now they resent taking that path and are angry like the grass layers for it even being a choice. Some may hold a grudge, others may not. We’re not here to put down the side that chose to follow, we’re just glad they see the light so we can all move on an make it better for all like it should have been centuries ago.
Sheep? Herd? Collective consciousness for sure, we have many examples of it. 9\11 is one example, that information that day created a frequency of information that effected the entire planet of humans. I felt it so did you. Covid is another example, pow right between the eyes, another wave of thought patterns adjusted. This is a good thing what it means is that everyones connected. So we use that means of communication and start using it to make it harmonious for all instead of using it keep us competing with one another. The messages we send need to be positive and for the greater good of all to share everything without or regardless of feelings values beliefs or personal bias or gain. That’s the lesson, for if we dont, we already know the consequences, we get the exact same thing we have now….chaos and disharmony… Together we save ourselves and stop destroying the planet, we work together with the numbers of people we have on earth and there’s no project we cant achieve. 16 billion hands till the soil much more efficient than a less amount. Two heads are better than one, how about 8 billion heads. The potential is untapped and waiting to be used. Love is using all 8B, unconditionally, for a single purpose, take the issues one at a time and solve each of them.
Make one unit or essential life sustaining element for all and end the wasted resources of having 23 different brands of the same thing. Streamline the basic necessities then move on. Personal independence comes after we all have everything we need to live on earth for our entire lives. Nobody will say no to getting everything they need for free all their lives, and that changes the frequency from disharmony competitiveness to tranquil relaxing joy for all.…..
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