Natural Medicine


2021 4\20

The most corrupt of corrupt couldn’t kill it, the true nature of a weed. 

Marijuana withstood the abuse and onslaught of the richest nation on the planet and it survived. One down and one to go. So resilient, like the pillars of the desert monoliths shaped by the constant blowing sand, marijuana withstood and weathered all rhetoric, propaganda and fear mongering they provided.  


It once again bloomed in the dawning desert sun, with dew spotted leaves and kept right on smiling. Perm-a-grin...ha ha.  Proudly standing side by side with dandelions, plantain, ivy, and every other weed Mother Earth provided, Marijuana and Hemp show its strength and demand, with little water and fertilizer, basically unarmed, except for its overwhelming demand and uses. 

A weed indeed,Touché, it got knock down, kick around, beaten, burned, destroyed, mutilated, outcast, outlawed and got up again and now it's Taxed.... again.. twice in two generations. 

They threw everything and mostly every dime at it, plus a ton of kitchens sinks to boot. One must just admire it,  money culture had no chance. Still waiting on the accountable apology, don't hold your breath, because those that persecuted it are all thankfully dead. 

Its strong cousin Hemp, like a silent partner, benefits from the lack of limelight, as do we, the end users of all the versatile uses it provides. There will be global hemp farms in the growing belt, marijuana will be mainly for medical, not just to escape.  

Those of this generation won’t need to be convinced of its uses and the past generations that were lied to and taken advantage of, because they were so pure, honest, too busy and distracted to disobey what they were told. Like Mr. Christ said “forgive them for they know not what they do”.  

I am not throwing stones at them nor am I disrespecting their loyalty, I am just pointing out that they just went with the flow, for that was all they were shoveled.   May those that kept in place all the negative energy tying to end this aspect of nature get theirs.  

Taking advantage of the honest, play by the rules folks is a list of words and feelings I take the higher ground of not mentioning.  If any generation deserves an apology, besides those that were punished for a plant, its all them that came before me. Redemption, revenge, avenging, retribution, vindication, vindictive, vengeance and some others are probably feelings of those mistreated from that now obsolete system. The people of that time were as mistreated as the weed itself. 

Following orders isn’t always the path to follow, we all now can see this thanks to the internet. Our eyes are open as a race to all the things money culture paid dearly to keep quite and censor. 



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