A Dream Away?


Just a dream away, thought storming, on the precipice of the tipping point. Transition away from the 245 years of capitalism in the United States is about to fold under. This creates a new path to follow for all humanity. The change is inevitable and it's here now. We have the opportunity to create what ever we wish to build. We dream it we can build it. 

So now we build a resourcea based culture without an economy for the entire world to benefit from. It preservers all life and the earth along the way, it makes everything created and enforced in the old culture null and void. Ownership goes out the window, petty punishment set in religious values, ethics and morals are no longer the focus for humanity. We tackled racism which money culture allowed to reign for too long and won. 

On tap for Earth and all life on it is making the necessary needs for sustaining life the jobs for all. All you have to do is google The Venus Project for a guideline not a blueprint, at-least not all of it. The future brings new goals insights visions and ideas, it's primed to launch. Some call it a resource based economy, but it's not about economy, its about basic needs for all life for all future generations. Humanity has shifted away from the unadvertised failure of the money system, which matters not because we've passed that up finally, all the proof you need is knowing that the solution to a pandemic isn't monetary at all. They cannot keep up or afford to help everyone so like any tool if it don't work you find one that does. Amen to that!

How to help, drop your obsolete money culture upbringing and all the boundaries and limitations it set upon you, you're a being meant to adapt with the ever changing evolution of your surroundings and social structure is just another adaptation for us all. Nature bats last and now its in the batters box waiting for the meat to heave anything its got in its bag of tricks. 

You personally may not know who, what, when, where, why or how, not to worry there's plenty of us that do. Plenty that have been patiently waiting for this moment, as they've all seen it because they've removed the distractions that blocked the masses from seeing it. Now there's no going back, there's only going with the new flow direction, believe me you won't be dissatisfied with its new design. All will benefit from it, not one child left behind or left out. 

We'll never again have to worry over bills, scarcity, protection, security, fear, deadlines, pressure, threats of loss of job or feeling insecure, inadequate, offended, bullied or any negative feelings of death or life. 

No more shall we be mentally restricted by another's idea of how it ought to be because of their beliefs. We shall all live by our own rules to the point of never needing to hurt or kill another ever again. No one or no group shall mislead or misguide or forcibly coerce or leverage another on this planet through money's power. 

A hopeless, foolish pipe dream you say, well that's only because you're applying what you learned in the failed, dead pervious culture you were raised in. The beauty of this new paradigm is that none of that applies and your survival in it will entirely be up to you and how well you adapt, if you choose to hold on to the past's failed system's rules you'll be left behind and only create more disharmony for yourself. Let it go, it's simple for those waiting for it so desperately and less simple only if you make it so. 

Yes, it will take some transition time, but for those following it, they will truly dream with sugar plumbs dancing in their heads and should never experience a nightmare..Sweet dreams always and isn't that what happiness is, not a care in the world? Well, we're here to deliver that to all. 

If you can accept a govt. check that maybe you thought would never be a thing to consider, then what's stopping you from accepting everything you need to live for no cost, no strings attached and no fear of losing it ever. It's not a dream any longer, it's manifested by all your work and teaching to be the best you can be and to dream big, ambition at it's maximum being implemented, so thank you, and now hopefully you'll get to enjoy its benefits. 

Life is truly a trip    :) 


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