Who to Trust?

Aloha all,

Well it's now march and nobody still knows any more than they did in 2020.

What have we learned?

No more standard education system structure, finally and good riddance, the end of forced learning of a corrupt capitalism system that only makes more wasteful patrons to feed the money machine..

The media outlets have all be outed as untrustworthy, due to corruption exposure, thanks to enough proof that money controls censorship and allowances.

The sheep do as their told, paranoia and fear create half ass rules and guidelines because money profit mongers have no idea how to handle any social issue whatsoever. There's no way any money making corporation has any vested interest in social issues unless it leads to profit, that's like borrowing money from a loan shark w 90% interest and a time line to repay in seconds. So we now all can see the failure of the best human interest is lacking grossly to be of any use except to those that run it.

Which way is up chicken little? the sky is falling, no it fell long ago. How can anyone trust anyone in a profit system. Do you actually believe that people that aren't in your immediate eyeshot is following safe contamination procedures to not transfer any diseases to anyone anywhere? How do you know that the coffee from far away lands was picked processed and shipped absolutely sterilely so you cant get sick? or food or medicine or water or anything?

You don't. There's no possible way if it's not covered by a camera to show you. Here in-lies the major problem of TRUST. Sure it's easy to doubt anything, but if there's no profit to be made off of anything we humans need then the criminals don't or won't support it. They can't afford to reassure anyone of anything all the time so they don't even try. This leave us guessing and hoping its all ok.

How can anyone trust the criminal money culture for anything? We can’t. The social media has too many limitations and restrictions to be a viable source of trust, when the boundaries are coerced to not allow any feelings of whatever with or without profanity to prove a point because the censorship limits set are from a victorian era set of standards taken as civilized.  No growth is possible and therefore no progress is obtainable, because money dictates the allowance or disallowance of information.

It’s rigged to sustain the blockage of free speech. Once we remove this obstruction all things are possible. Once we unchain the bad dog punishment syndrome of behavior control through allowing any words to be used,  humanity realizes that the dog is off the leash and trust is instilled way more proficiently and trustworthy as anyone could see then that something has changed and are more apt to listen, because they've been brainwashed groomed and trained to only hear it without words that offend, like a good trained doggy. Simply put, when the masses hear words they're offended by they'll understand that they're no longer being bullshitted by the system.

Now with that established, Corona-virus, the name was quickly changed to Covid-19, why? 
Salability, nomenclature for packaging, wrapping up the product for believability and acquaintance accountability for the brain dead workers they so desperately need to sustain the traveling bullshit show. Plus the name was taken so lightly by the public on social media, as it was taking massive insulting hits relating to Mexico's Beer and partying. This true, honest identification of it was not in favor of trust on the part of the corporations and the money criminals, so they had to change it so it would be taken seriously so they could grab your attention, like a snake oil salesman. They felt they were losing their hold on the sheep's  attention and would lose out on the opportunity they worked so hard to incite to make a profit off it. Flat out, flagrant fear of loss of profit on the corrupt criminals part. No and, if's or but's about it. If you disagree with that then your eyes and mind are still closed my friend. 

Now if you have a brain and have been following this, apply it to everything you've heard from this source of information over the course of your life. It's not convoluted or unclear that the motive has always been this for whatever they seek to drain out your pockets. The list is too long to list just in my 55 years of life. I don't have to be convinced of this as it was written plain as day on the wall when I was told I had to pay taxes and bills all my life at the age of 14. what a load of BS. 

SO what does all this mean to the average Joe\Jill, you're all suckers. They came to town and set up shop and you all helped to keep the doors and lights on all your life.... WOW, and if those that questioned it they were put in a dim light. Sadly and Happily it happened and it's over, respectively. 

The issue is what do we do when the traveling shit show is ran out of town? I'll tell ya what we do and you'll listen because you too are over it, this is the awakening you're all waiting for. 

Dancing for your money monkey, aren't ya? Neutered dogs sleeping at the feet of criminals hoping some good scrapes fall off the table. Pathetic for a place that labels itself home of the brave and lamb of the free. Enough already! I have to put it down as I do for that's where your eyes are buried, in the sand, you dont look up enough to see it otherwise. 

So what do we do? First we work together using the internet as a unifying tool to show everyone on the planet that we're not taking it anymore. The first step is implement an alternate path away from the money culture. Abolishing money is a lofty massive step forward One that can be achieved simply by being able to have the idea heard without restrictions. Remove the censorship of speech of any kind and openly talk about it. 8 billion minds can surely come up with something better and be for the benefit of all humans and other life forms on this planet. 

Once this topic is addressed and promoted like tv commercials daily and everyone has a chance to chime in their two cents we can work out the kinks without out too much obstruction. WE must find a common ground for all not the few. Without interference from those that mean to stop it as they have the most to lose in their minds. But the only thing lost is their stranglehold on the masses to be submissive to their whims of controlling behavior thru the means they've established and too many have embraced. 

If you or anyone is still too fearful to attempt a change of societal structure from fear of the unknown of how it will be or if it can even be worked out then I do feel sorry for them. The negative frequency that emits is not helpful or useful for our needs. Too many humans projecting this adherence to the energy of its negative broadcasting undermines the change. The body emits a frequency of whatever we hold in our minds. We for too long have emitted the same self restricting frequency sub-planted and sustained money culture. This wavelength affects all around and immersed in it, to not allow any other transmissions. It can no longer be tolerated or allowed to be supported. We change the frequency and we change the outcome. 

Once off the teat of money we strive to work together to support all life without destruction or killing of ourselves, animals or the planet. If we can make it now with money and technology surely we can remove the price tag restriction and do it for the good of all for no cost. We don't have to reinvent the wheel, we simply make the road have no need for the wheel. 

Impossible? no not at all, you're just conditioned to do it one way. You, we, me I were all lead to work in an environment that shaped us to believe that you must earn your way or you're an outcast. In hindsight of course they lead you this way, but its not the the only way. If you really want independence and self sufficiency then you can easily learn to do so without the restrictions dictated to all. 

Money culture is just static, like a radio stuck in-between stations. We've been asleep too long and have gotten too used to listen to the static as our lullaby's to rock us to sleep to notice that its out of tune. Thankfully there are enough of us to hear its static now and we merely have to to turn the knob to get a clear station. And once this is accomplished there will be no doubt that we were listening to the wrong message. For humanity's sake we'll give to all because we'll WANT to. It benefits all humans, it won't seem a loss of assets or failure on your part accept for the part of not waking up earlier. 

Please don't waste another generation of human life and planetary resources on the same old defunct system. 

Teach the people how to get along with one another because we have already seen how it doesn't work. Peace and love to all life on earth .....fearless not careless..... RDM



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