Racist Past Dissolves
6\11\2008 Sunrise on a new era in America! Finally we have had a chance to prove to the rest of the money hungry people that there is more to life than just a safe distance from each other. Fuck them and their fear. I know it won’t be a witch hunt now to find and hold accountable those in charge of the fear based religious, greedy, and oppressive people who have had their foot on the peoples throat for 8 years, but it sure is nice to be able to breathe again. I am sure there are still a lot of mixed emotions going round and not everyone is happy, but in this system the majority vote rules or it’s mayhem. So really what do the Republicans lose? The power, the control, the avenue to show you all how much they fear and wish it upon you for their gain. Their fucking little power trip is over in only 2 months. But voter beware, it is just enough time to sink the ship completely. Like a cruel person burning ants with a magnifying glass, George W. Bush ...