
Racist Past Dissolves

6\11\2008  Sunrise on a new era in America! Finally we have had a chance to prove to the rest of the money hungry people that there is more to life than just a safe distance from each other. Fuck them and their fear. I know it won’t be a witch hunt now to find and hold accountable those in charge of the fear based religious, greedy, and oppressive people who have had their foot on the peoples throat for 8 years, but it sure is nice to be able to breathe again. I am sure there are still a lot of mixed emotions going round and not everyone is happy, but in this system the majority vote rules or it’s mayhem.         So really what do the Republicans lose? The power, the control, the avenue to show you all how much they fear and wish it upon you for their gain. Their fucking little power trip is over in only 2 months. But voter beware, it is just enough time to sink the ship completely. Like a cruel person burning ants with a magnifying glass, George W. Bush ...

The Light Bulb is ON!

How will American react to the current depression and total collapse of the middle class?  $3 trillion dollar debt, bankrupt and tried of following the same outdated model. America is finally changing away from it's past. The walls of the cocoon are cracking and the butterfly is about to emerge in to the world. Like a baby turtle headed for the shore-break, innocent and vulnerable, susceptible to all predators, America will need to use its instincts to survive the sharks of the world who intend to swallow it whole. It’s time for the people who have been freed of the money slavery system to take the wheel and steer a new course into the future. Common sense must prevail and personal religious beliefs must take the back burner in these crucial upcoming decisions. Just Americans helping Americans, it’s gonna happen fast and furious, from all sides, above and below. Keep your wits about you and work as a unit. All for one and One for all, anything less and it's all over and you m...

The How of the How?

  Aloha the the people of the world ,          I would like to show you the way of the how .  I have been writing my brains out for 2 years now . Mostly ranting and raving about the way things are as examples of the insaneness of it all .  Yes , true a bit bitter , mad , angry , sad , and yet positive and hopeful .  All the past articles have been the catalyst for this opening statement which follows herein .      From the feedback given I acknowledge your input and am thankful for it .  A huge mahalo nui loa to all .  I do see that I haven ’ t truly given any set plan in order to show how the way of the how can prevail .  I just felt it important to point out my observations of what I ’ ve come to believe of how it all is not working .  I do know there are plenty of others ...