Carry On Humans
Aloha all, here is another segment of saving water and the responsibility of humans to use what's given by nature for us all to use and enjoy. To the Hawai'ians the rain is a blessing from the skies. As we come to earth we are born into the culture, society and environment already in place.
Some in better standing or climates, some in worse. The culture in place determines our adaption to it and we are hopevully taught how to cope and survive in it. We are here for a very short time called our lives before our vacation to earth is over and we die and others take our place. We can invoke a benefit to the next generation or create a hinderance for them. The luck of the draw or the planning of parents. The circumstances of our surroundings dictate our upbringing and we become knowledgable if we are so inclinded to do so or we become victims of them. Statistically speaking and after researching with the tools at hand we should be able to gain a picture of what is going on around us during our lifetime.
We have no choice at birth to choose where or when were born and have to hit the ground running with the environment we emerge into. The options are many and the control is limited per individual baby yet with some luck and help and fortune we can all pretty much make it throught to a long life. The forces in the current society and culture is so at random now yet better than when we were cave humans running for our lives and trying to figure out which way is up not living past 30 mostly, we do have some unfair disadvantages that don't benefit the whole of humanity and have become separated as a global tribe with far too many obstacles and pitfalls to navigate to make it to 70+ years old, or even 50 and some percentage of way less than this.
The environment obstacles and human made society culture now is one of great divide. So far are the scales of balance that it's nearly a miracle any of us make it smoothly to a stress free existence until we exit. Taking a look at these is a topic for another segment. We can now be free of all immediate dangers from nature herself, only to have to deal with the human made circumstances that keep us apart stressed and making life a gamble when not being bullied or harassed by the established society culture in use today.
One type of cultural aspect that keeps us apart is the use of money. The value system of currency for keeping ourselves alive is so off balance that there is an unavoidable observation and understanding of it to the majority, leaving a minority of humans a grand headstart over the majority. This inequality is easily removed when we determine the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few with the advantages to survive longer and at a different level of effort, comfort and joy.
All we have is what we are and we have to use what we are to sail through life dodging and working far too strenuously to survive in this unbalanced culture. Without ragging on cynically about them or becoming upset further about it, I wish to stay level headed and neutral to present a solution that seems far fetched and from out of left field. Yet when its exposed to your the reader you will see what I mean. Unless you're of my mindset it may come as a shock to you and if we agree you'll wonder why your reading something you already support. A ray of sunshine and hope are not the only things I wish to convey, but also a common sense connection.
Given the parameters of what we have to be able to read this or write this is one common-ground starting point. I've been writing about this for what seems to me like forever and frankly I dont see the point anymore other than I can't stop the visions, ideas, epiphanies or dreams I have every waking morning that springs me out of sleep to grab my iphone to voice record a dream or idea about another reason to pursue what I want to share with the world pertaining to more proof that my idea is a good idea.
Everyday I wake from a dream I try to recall it and record it and when i get going with it my brain comes up with a path that leads to this idea of abolishing money culture and new reasons to back up that thought. So much more were these ideas bubbling up in the past than now but still a drive and endless thought process I can't seem to get around, and still nor want to. Or its some song from the past that wakes me or a funny scene of a dream that I've practiced so much of recording that it's now a second natural instinct like having to go to the restroom.
Waking and smiling and laughing at myself feeling the urge to grab the phone to record again. In tune with it I am glad that its still here in my consciousness giving me some direction to better the world for the next class of humans to entertain, teach to, learn or benefit from. Onward & forward with this mission statement, I see so much need and room for improvement in this current society we humans must adapt to and endure.
It all seems so silly to have to pay to live on Earth, that we can do better and have the technology to do so. Will power is key and so is environmental aspects and opportunities we can and must take advantage of while we are here observing this event called life. I eat grapefruit everyday and with tea or coffee I wake further and go about my day navigating the course I've set myself upon and try to make the most of everyday and deliver help and understanding to others.
I've pages deep of outlining and describing the situation I observe and have come to the place of needing more to do to implement it. Given the tools at my disposal I write and write and talk and share the idea but its such a simple idea that preaching it only seems to get feedback of disagreement. I know I am somewhat fortunate and smart, yet even with the tools of social media and just my voice I stand at the bottom of a hill trying to march up against the established hill that it becomes daunting, but not insurmountable. Frustrating and laughable, sad and hilariously flappable, yet I push on.
For if you see as I see you too should be easily agreeable to this idea of never needing money culture at all. Through sharing and using technology we don't have to reinvent the wheel here, we just need to remove the thinking that everyone must earn their way during their stay on Earth. How can so many be so blind or unwilling to alter our perspective to want to help everyone help everyone for the benefit of all lives and help preserve the home we have and all the life in and on it. From sea to sea, shore to shore and beyond.
I woke up one day in 2005 and had a picture of a symbol of an eye and inside the eye was the iris that was the earth and inside the pupil is a peace sign. I recognized it as a logo for visualize world peace. Simple I know and overdone to boot, yet still there and set out to materialize it on paper and it has become my icon for this venture of teaching all about it.
So I've been seeking out other like minded humans and in this bubble of time we're in now have found some others with the same vision and nearly the same icon. I fob it off to the age of Aquarius settling in and we humans evolving into the next phase of humanity growing and moving forward from all the past lessons and tools left behind from those that occupied the earth before us.
I have gathered information mainly from personal experience and fortunation of my place in this matrix of society that I am able to have the ability and good fortune to be able to share this with many, so much many more than anyone that died prior to the use of the internet. My how far we have come from the pony express and the message in a bottle. The influences of my life chosen or forced has shaped me into typing this right here, right now. Sharing our experiences of life for others to read, follow or ignore seems like the only avenue to pursue like cave painting hieroglyphics left behind for the next batch of people to find. What else is there? we came we saw we died. What did you do and or leave behind as nothing goes with us at death for nobody truthfully knows because there's nobody that's ever lived that has died and came back and said follow me to death and lets check it out and then came back with souvenirs from there.
So we must go by ourselves and if nothing is out there then all we have is now and what we do now and what we leave behind for others to learn from. Teach the humans how to get along because we already have enough examples of how not to.
Peace to you all.
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