Teach Peace
The jobs will only use the resources for the production of abundance of all essentials of life for all and this removes the competition mindset and the mindset that we need to earn it to get it.
The jobs we have now waste resources and the transition will be to change the jobs we have now to jobs of working towards creating a world without money as a necessity to live. You don't lose your job to be homeless or in poverty or to scare you into not having a job to receive the necessities for life, you get a new job to replace the current job that doesn't waste resources fetching the most profit or wealth. We give everyone Free education to learn the new job to continue to have the essentials and we free access to receive all we work for
Without any money there's nobody paying for others to do nothing, no welfare or taxes to pay for others, all participate in sustaining the essentials without the wasting of resources on anything or to work less than others, a loop hole indeed.
Working together saves the resources for the future, not waste them on non essential goods and services. No more making others your butler, maid or caretaker, we all learn how to take care of ourselves and only work in the jobs that sustain abundance.
Omitting the non essential jobs focuses humanity to save itself to survive, therefore we can build better things we need to progress and adapt too as the incentive. We waste not the resources on non essential jobs to adapt to, like the current money culture continues to make us adapt to.
Because that's not free marketing or enterprise, that's wasting resources only patching the holes in the boat that's sinking and only keeping afloat those at the top alive longer.
How can anyone not see that? and still support it or be loyal to that is beyond me and baffling. Yet it's easy to see why that is and that's because that's all they were taught to do. Now we're gonna teach you a new way, a better way and a more intelligent way to work together, instead of against each other, with pure old fashion common sense.
Of course if you teach them to be competitive they become that and loyal to that, but trying to point that out to the masses seems like insult instead of help. They were too busy following it and didn't have the time to see it from a different point of view to know it was detrimental to survival in the long run for the human species. It will be known to all, all will comply with saving ourselves and see that the only way to do this is to work together. We all will volunteer to help with joy and willingness for death is the alternative for the human race, along with all the other life forms and the planet itself!
Peace and Abundance for free to all that come to Earth
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