Lucky at Life

                                             Lucky @ Life 

                    Changing the path of Humanity’s History

Evolving away from a money culture to an Essential only society, to preserve the resources instead of wasting them on pursuing profit at the expense of the resources of the Earth.

Consideration of the current culture’s focus and the corruption and waste of resources on keeping it going are now exposed to all, given the access of social media and finding out what the population feels, thinks and sees, apart of the past money power controlled information that was driven to censor only what it felt to release through the only media it had available to it. A one-sided loudspeaker humans paid to have in their homes, as a drill sergeant or pied piper they were too busy to seek alternatives to or had access to and weren’t able to refute without it being censored, edited or declined if any of it was against the wishes of the owners of those outlets. 

But now with all the extra avenues of technology for alternative information outlets to release counter feedback providing the awakening of humanity,  humanity is reassessing what it was too busy to see or were blocked from. These multitude of platforms and personal websites have blow down the walls and doors that were in place to keep the status quo of money culture plundering, wasting and destroying the planet, with its misuse of resources to keep the greed and covert plans of maintaining a system that keep a few rich and the rest in poverty and in the dark.

A system that only 1% of the population could excel at. A model of human interaction, governing or subjection that is so inefficient, if it were a business would fail harshly. The irony of it all is that humanity under capitalism, a business oriented system, isn’t for the benefit of the whole and was run like a business and had many failures and bailouts, a track record that’s unmistakable and unable to hide from. 

Running humans as a business where only 1% can thrive or succeed off the poverty of the 99% is only logical for the 1%. The 99% now has the ability to gather and unify themselves to the point of understanding that there is no need for money in the life of humans whatsoever. 

Granted it did make some contributions, but with it being so easily corruptible with the more money it collected, for a time it was able to flourish with that power, but now it succumbs to the inevitable demise of its own implosion and no revolution of war, blood or violence is needed to remove it. 

As it was just an idea that grew too uncontrollable with greed, corruption and lack of consideration of the rest of the population on earth and its resources, they now are on the run from the collapse and see themselves that they are on borrowed time. 

So switching away from the poisoned pacifier humans have used or were forced to use for generations, centuries long, we now have the good fortune to be able to end it and make a new path that is one that spares the resources only for essential to life purposes to the benefit of all humans now and to come after us. 

Taking from the example of the money system we know how to manipulate the easily led and influenced human animal to become a much more efficient society that doesn’t kill itself by acting so selfishly. We have the tools and lessons now and the infrastructure to build on the foundation of the good it brought and remove the unnecessary motives that it produced. 

Without the selfish, self righteousness of money corruption that bred poverty, crime and a punishment seeking crusade to protect the 1% from the have nots it created, all those resources wasted on protecting and punishing are now saved. 

Humans can now focus on a new culture based on basic necessities of life and only the essentials will get the efforts and the resources to renew, reuse and recycle all the past culture built to throw away. The only crime in a world without money will be using money and using it for profit only. With no money in the world there will be no more lopsided, favored or inequality amongst anyone. No more leverage from money power or anything it was used for in the public’s eye or hidden ever again. 

The balance will be achieved through its removal from human continuity with it. Now this is very exciting indeed, as we know what that money was used for we can avoid that use and save the resources it wasted to use them. 

Without the use of money and its power to hide and subject everyone, all debts, ownership, entitlement and ego are removed and all that’s left is a world where no human can be taken advantage of, blackmailed or exhorted. This makes us see how much it was used as such and with no negative effects, side effects or on purpose effects, humans can get on with unifying themselves for the betterment of the whole, without prejudice, discrimination, classism or loss of resources from all the frivolous, fly by night, get rich quick failures it promoted that  all can have a shot at. 

The illusion was  "you too can be rich and if you work at it you can succeed and become just like those you were taught to envy for having more than others". 

Which only perpetuated the use and waste of more and more resources all the while. While you were busy climbing the ladder to riches they were deliberately, maliciously, deceiving and countermanding you to succeed, as to keep themselves from becoming your competition and vice versa. A typical practice of those that were infected with the money disease. 

Onto something more positive for the whole and negative for the few. Where to start? 

If you remove the money sick and put in place the free for all society, you get so much more in return, your free education and effort gains you everything you need to survive on earth your entire visit here. Your effort is your payment and there are no taxes, ownership or authority. No government to interfere with your life, no easily manipulated system to keep you from your dreams and no violence to put you in harms way. 

There is no down side, you become secure, independent and at the same time interdependent upon all. With no debts or scarcity there’s nothing to stress or fear, ever. 

You see all as equal, no matter whose life it is. We rebuild all the necessary essential components needed to sustain life and recycle everything with renewable, free energy and abundance of food, water, shelter, medicine and clean air for all. Never needing to be sick or wear a mask at the suggestion of a few you were led to believe were your leaders in the light of for your protection, what a laugh. 

All is free of charge to all, all are educated for free, all receive everything essential and all non essential, harmful and duplicate products are removed and banned. No more need for a different country or flag or zone or lines on a map. Everyone is free to go wherever they wish, all the time, all their lives without passports, papers or surveillance and we all see the world free of charge. 

Most of the technology will provide and produce our needs, everyone will be educated for free, will learn what it takes to keep the technology that keeps us alive maintained, the main focus of education is so anyone and everyone will be able to fix any tech that needs servicing anywhere on earth. With this in place all's to do is be happy …, Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness solved!

We will see this now in our time as we can create anything we want, just as the money system was created and then aborted, this will not need to be or can be tampered with, as its only motive and incentive is to sustain our lives in these bodies which we can produce over and over again. 

IF you see a down-side to this you have too much prejudice and hate still inside of you. Your intolerance will disappear and there will be no negative vibrations or frequencies produced, transmitted or received between one another.  

No stress no cancer no illness only accidents from having too much fun. No courts, lawyers, prisons, punishment or wasted resources on the like. Nothing can be bought or sold and nobody will ever owe anyone, that whole type of thinking is done away with and there is no need to entertain it. You’ll be too busy so happy that it will seem foreign to you and it won't make you happy, so you just ignore it. Nothing to steal, nobody to take anything you value, nothing to horde, hide or protect. Nothing to be gained monetarily and nothing to lose monetarily, no risks no gambling no insurance no denied medical treatment or medicines and nothing to save or keep track of. The human mind and body free of all the restraints and conditions set upon it by the corrupt money culture they were born into and had to adapt to for a lack of a better more efficient system of human cohabitation on our Earth. 


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