
Showing posts from 2023

Teach Peace

The jobs will only use the resources for the production of abundance of all essentials of life for all and this removes the competition mindset and the mindset that we need to earn it to get it.  The jobs we have now waste resources and the transition will be to change the jobs we have now to jobs of working towards creating a world without money as a necessity to live. You don't lose your job to be homeless or in poverty or to scare you into not having a job to receive the necessities for life,   you get a new job to replace the current job that doesn't waste resources fetching the most profit or wealth.   We give everyone Free education to learn the new job to continue to have the essentials and we free access to receive all we work for   Without any money there's nobody paying for others to do nothing, no welfare or taxes to pay for others, all participate in sustaining the essentials without the wasting of resources on anything or to work less than others, a loop hole i

Lucky at Life

                                                         Lucky @ Life                            Changing the path of Humanity’s History Evolving away from a money culture to an Essential only society, to preserve the resources instead of wasting them on pursuing profit at the expense of the resources of the Earth. Consideration of the current culture’s focus and the corruption and waste of resources on keeping it going are now exposed to all, given the access of social media and finding out what the population feels, thinks and sees, apart of the past money power controlled information that was driven to censor only what it felt to release through the only media it had available to it. A one-sided loudspeaker humans paid to have in their homes, as a drill sergeant or pied piper they were too busy to seek alternatives to or had access to and weren’t able to refute without it being censored, edited or declined if any of it was against the wishes of the owners of those outlets.   But n

To hunt or not to hunt

Is it cool or cruel Even if it’s just for fuel Or is it just for show Just to say “I told you so”, I’m not one to brag About having a full bag But it seems like a drag To kill for a Flag or a gag, For survival or a revival  To kill for a meal Or to bond and get along Let it live and sing a song, Never thinking of the repercussions Leads to lots of discussions  Of searching one’s soul To just fill your bowl, Hunting and Fishing in today’s age  Drives some into a rage As sport killing is ego  And all should forgo,  I used to go when I was younger  Out into the wild blue yonder Never to ponder or wonder The outcome of my plunder, Some join or use clubs To take something’s cubs Is not very manly to profess More a sign of ugliness, If it’s to fit in or be closer To the father you’re missing Because of the time lost or fate Then one can do so with no bait, No hook, shell or rifle  There’s no need to stifle  The opportunity to bond Yet an outlet to be more fond, With lessons of safety and res

Fire Newsome

Every river bed channel in Southern California, the Rio San Gabriel, Rio Hondo, Compton and the main LA River can be used to be the perfect catch of all trash and water from rain run off forever. Let's not be the generation that is blamed for the extinction of the human race due to flagrant shortsightedness for profit thinking and short term solution failures.  In Los Angeles alone when winter storms come in Jan\Feb the total volume of rain water partially fills the river beds due to drought with free rain water. We can redesign the channels here and globally to catch all the rain water the earth provides for FREE. Duh! If we do have some sort of freak weather and it rains year round for decades due to global warming from carbon monoxide emmisions from gas vehicles or whatever it is matters not really we will have at least put in place a system to collect it all and the left over can be used to flood the deserts every day.  We make every continent with cities of the like catch all