Money, what for?

 The money culture has everyone going in circles. Can't do this or that because we don't have enough money. Silly right. Paying to live where you're from. Earth. Hello. Money is too easily corruptible so it's was never viable. If you think you're mature enough to not use money then this is for you. If you think everyone will lose their minds and go crazy then guess what, we're already there. 

Omit the restriction of money. No more cash, credit, debt or ownership. No fines, jail or punishment from it to make more of it. It's useless obsolete and detrimental to humans. Move on forward. All the signs are here that money culture has failed over and over again. Stop shooting ourselves in the foot. There's 8 billion humans and nobody can overlook their corrupt money culture indoctrination, Why because they don't have the time to solve the problems. Too busy scratching to survive. 

End the money lack of common sense and just use survival instinct sense. LA in a drought, Fires breaking out, can't solve this because the culture won't allow it. Change the culture to one that never needs what we are already hilariously and sadly using. It's no longer striving for the house on the hill with a swimming pool, cars and a lear jet. It's hey we dont have enough clean energy, water, air or food. The essentials must first be met abundantly for every life form that is here or coming.

Once the basic needs are met sustainably without damage to the earth to provide it, then the rest of your time is just chilling and enjoying the earth for everyone. Stop thinking in terms that we can't do anything without money.  Forget everything that culture has created and stifled us with and make way for the limitless and restriction-less future that caters to all life. Free Everything for all, forever. No more taxes, bills, fines, prisons. Not no more democracy or false freedoms, no more licenses, permits or grants, that's all over with. It's not the end of the world, it leads to the end of the world as we know it. No more lines at the cash register, no more receipts, no more returns, no more lack or scarcity of anything. Only make what's essential and necessary and the rest of the junk is no longer available and no more resources are wasted because of hobby jobs or personal style entrepreneurship that duplicates what's already being used.

8 billon humans with 16 billion arms and legs to work together to sustain 4 times as many humans now and into the future. 8 billon humans and x amount of animals all need fresh air water and food, but 8 billion humans each with their own straw drinking out of one bucket drains the resources very fast, only because it's not being renewed it's being bought, hoarded and sold for a profit. That leads to war, killing and premature death due to private ownership. 

Abolish the money culture now. All the arguments against it is only from those that want to keep it going, because they must be benefiting from it handsomely. Selfish greedy unloving of others, spoiled rotten misguided and immature humans and ideas are supported and sustained by it. All to the ruin of the place we live and eat. Stop it all now. Wake up and see what we're destroying before your life is over and the planet is over. There's no need for all the senseless war for energy, drugs, food, water, air and shelter. Sharing it all with the help of all will make it available to everyone forever. 

Make the last crime and punishment be for all that support and try to keep using each other for profit. Nothing has to be sold or bought. Using money will be a thing of the past, "grandpa tell me again about the time when humans still used money, that's the best story ever" ... 

It's not communism, socialism, or any ism except humanism. If you can't see this you're still too stuck in your mindset of your corrupt money culture upbringing. Stop that. When you see as I see you'll agree. Help everyone Help everybody. Get over your prejudices, keep your values, morals and ethics to yourself where it belongs. Work together to build a planet that if you were from another planet, in your space ship cruising the universe, that Earth would be a paradise pit stop for fresh food water and pleasure. No servants, waiters, subordinates, oppression or restrictions, like a gas station mini mart in the solar system, all is free to all the galaxy oasis in the stars... brought to you by HUMANITY, the humans got it right and we're happy to stop there, its not a dingy, poorly lit, dark, damp down the alley, corner shit hole like where it's headed with money..... 

The Global Forum of Humanity to unite and consolidate the resources for the use of every life form, not a small subset of misguided individuals seeking world domination or money slavery of its own kind.... Free to all to animals, no pets, just freedom to go everywhere all the time your entire life. No need to bring anything with you, we have everything you need where ever you go on earth, at no cost. Mass production and technology provide because we intended it to because we had to or we were gonna lose it all. 

So many to help it become common place if we start now, we never need be pitted against one another ever again... 

Fearless not Careless ... teach the people how to get along, because we already know how not to. 



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