Miser Culture Is Dead

At 10 we learned those with no money have no fun. If we wanted to go do something we had to pay our own way. It's this condition of the money culture that we had to adapt to as kids and adults. This lesson wasn't taught to us in school, we got it from our friends back in 1975. We all were subjected to this, yet I made it through with no money and tons of fun. Defying all these conditions, the mentality of "I pay so I get to say what goes" culture was all for naught and control. This led to what we have now and it's all chaos. Just look around, unless you're blind, it's impossible to miss. The time is now falling into Fall, and all the crap that follows with it. Pumpkin spice this and that everywhere. From Latte’s to bread loafs. Nutmeg and cinnamon flavored coffee, enough to drive you bonkers. Autumn is falling upon us once again, you can hear the momma’s and papa's in the back ground …. “All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey”…. California ...