
Showing posts from 2020

Unite 4 World Peace

I just googled the title of this and found out it was in google images and found a trademark page with some old information on it. It was ™ in 2006, but I came up with the idea for the logo in 2005. So stuff does float around in cyberspace. Just to clarify what my logo means so you're not guessing incorrectly, it's a human eye, or the third eye, and the planet earth as the eyeball and a peace sign in the corona... meaning Visualize World Peace...simple. I know what you're thinking, but manifest destiny is NOT marxism as you more older people will likely associate it with, but you're forgiven as the culture only made you aware of it that way.  But it still holds true when making your dreams come true. One can manifest their own destiny and if agreeable others can support it without negative connotations from ignorance or arrogance or trying to be funny.  Be fearless and not careless when it comes to making your dreams come true. The world needs it now more than ever and

Nobody needs governing

What a joke, really folks, government, a supervisor, a ruling forum, the only reasons these are needed are because of money. Remove the restrictions of using money and all the rules, laws, judicial and punishment systems end. The level of which states or countries are prudish are found in any law that carries a fine or a spell in lock up. Like little undereducated and full of fear laws born of religion, insecurity, ignorance and prejudice.  Striving for placing fines and punishment on marijuana, or anything they deem as Mal behavior, like they speak for anyone. The time of change is here, no more anyone else having any authority over anyone ever again follows. The removal of money use decrees it and shows humanity can wear its big boy and girl pants now.   How our past humans stood for this is unthinkable to me. How they just sat and endured it as that's just how it is, is baffling. Policing each other for money fines and incarceration, truly a sign of a malpracticed culture. Going

Can't you hear me knocking....

       Imagine what it would be like to have everything for free to all. This means no more everything we have created in the money culture. Stop and ponder, wonder, dream and think about how much more wonderful everything will be. Set aside prejudice, control, restrictions, limitations, boundaries and everything you were taught. Your beliefs mean nothing in a world where you dont have to compete or waste resources. I hear it all the time "if everything is free people will just sit around and do nothing", "the won't contribute to society". NO, I am happy to say they won't. They're doing this in the money world as much as they can now. So many looking for ways around the money limitation, searching for every bargain they can find, every discount, lesser price, things for free.       If there's that much striving for this, let's give it to them. Their search will be over and we won't waste any more resources seeking to have a pile of gold and a

Money, what for?

 The money culture has everyone going in circles. Can't do this or that because we don't have enough money. Silly right. Paying to live where you're from. Earth. Hello. Money is too easily corruptible so it's was never viable. If you think you're mature enough to not use money then this is for you. If you think everyone will lose their minds and go crazy then guess what, we're already there.  Omit the restriction of money. No more cash, credit, debt or ownership. No fines, jail or punishment from it to make more of it. It's useless obsolete and detrimental to humans. Move on forward. All the signs are here that money culture has failed over and over again. Stop shooting ourselves in the foot. There's 8 billion humans and nobody can overlook their corrupt money culture indoctrination, Why because they don't have the time to solve the problems. Too busy scratching to survive.  End the money lack of common sense and just use survival instinct sense. LA

Catch n Filter Rain Water Everywhere

Every river bed channel in Southern California, the Rio San Gabriel, Rio Hondo, Compton and the main LA River can be used to be the perfect catch of all trash and water from rain run off forever. Let's not be the generation that is blamed for the extinction of the human race due to flagrant shortsightedness for profit thinking and short term solution failures.  In Los Angeles alone when winter storms come in Jan\Feb the total volume of rain water partially fills the river beds due to drought with free rain water. We can redesign the channels here and globally to catch all the rain water the earth provides for FREE. Duh! If we do have some sort of freak weather and it rains year round for decades due to global warming from carbon monoxide emmisions from gas vehicles or whatever it is matters not really we will have at least put in place a system to collect it all and the left over can be used to flood the deserts every day.  We make every continent with cities of the like catch all

Helicopter View of the LA River | Van Nuys to Long Beach


2015 Feb Rain Los Angeles and Rio Hondo Rivers
