
Showing posts from October, 2024

I'll Tell You What!

  Aloha to all humans reading this. The future of humanity and how to go about it. With any projections or guesses of what the future will hold, bring or be created, most people want to know how and when.  The how is simple, the when is upcoming. The problem I see is that most are under the misguidance of money control and manipulation. Not one of the past government administrations have been for the whole of humanity, but merely a subsection of it. This is not the way to follow. We must omit the costs, money, deadlines and corruption of the capitalism system we use today. Removing the money use government is the key and first step to a future for all humanity. We cannot allow the current system to be used moving forward into the future. We have all learned that it's broken and untrustworthy and full of liars greed and corruption. Nothing gets done and too many have too much money to keep it stagnating and never growing for the benefit of all humns on earth. This is imploding ...