
Showing posts from September, 2024

How do we get there from here?

The way of the how.... How to get from where we are to a place that's free to all of all things essential, it's Simple, we create it. We create it just like we created the way we do things now. No big mystery, just do it like Nike suggests. We create a culture to include all and remove culture that excludes anyone. Money culture is abolished and everything for free is put in its place.  

What are we Humans?

All humans are sex and food predators. Some more than others, but still in both. We seek food and sex by hunting, both are stalking prey for basic human necessities. To eat for fuel and sex for pleasure. It’s what we are. There is no changing this, only those that are trying to change this are unstable, illogical and irrational. Attempting to change this is a great way to put one’s self in harms way.  All law enforcement and police are predators for criminals, that’s called stalking, harassment and bullying and labeled as duty.   This is a major problem, for when we accept or normalize this behavior as legal, there is something undermining nature. Civility is used as an excuse to allow it.  Civility vs Nature is conflicting. The friction created separates humanity from adhering to Nature and demonizes nature in favor of trying to change the natural order of things. Molesting natural instincts to allow civility is a method of manipulation and harassment. Setting laws against sex, natura