Can't you hear me knocking....

Imagine what it would be like to have everything for free to all. This means no more everything we have created in the money culture. Stop and ponder, wonder, dream and think about how much more wonderful everything will be. Set aside prejudice, control, restrictions, limitations, boundaries and everything you were taught. Your beliefs mean nothing in a world where you dont have to compete or waste resources. I hear it all the time "if everything is free people will just sit around and do nothing", "the won't contribute to society". NO, I am happy to say they won't. They're doing this in the money world as much as they can now. So many looking for ways around the money limitation, searching for every bargain they can find, every discount, lesser price, things for free. If there's that much striving for this, let's give it to them. Their search will be over and we won't waste any more resources seeking to have a pile of gold and a...