
Showing posts from 2022

Anything We Want

Aloha all,  In order for you to see what I or others see, you must first be in the same vantage point as I or another's. 8 Billion perspectives with a mixed focus leads to   a waste of resources on   non essential to life products goods and services. When resources are wasted on these albeit frivolous flagrant or fleeting its still just a waste and drain on supply. Where's the regulation we so love to implement on everything else.    The main and largest influence over regulation is currency wealth, money system culture determines who's ideas get promoted or blocked, regardless of favor, usefulness, opposition, harm or consequences. At this point in time on Earth they either dont see the destruction or overlook it for profit. This makes everyone else not benefiting from the profit a victim of their doings and all future generations fall victim as well. Without a super hero or intervention from ET we humans are doomed to waste our only one life here by another's rules. 

Left Behind

Aloha Humans,  Remember we’re all on the same ride together for our first and only time…  To be better equipped to be prepared for it we must educate all new comers the wisdom we have learned on this journey. We learn it ends for all of us and how it begins, but we don’t learn when it ends until it ends. All the information we gather is neutral unless the culture or environment has been forced upon us to conform to its ways of behaving, thinking or understanding.  We must persevere to endeavor to enlighten all coming aboard this train that the circumstances are better now than they were in the past for some and worse for others.  The key goal is to have it be beneficial to all that enter earth and we have a ways to go before this happens. There are lots of obstacles in our path and ways that prevent us from this and too many reasons.  We teeter and totter back and forth, dance and tiptoe through a mine field of dangers and insecurities, values morals, beliefs and flat out force that ke