
How do we get there from here?

The way of the how.... How to get from where we are to a place that's free to all of all things essential, it's Simple, we create it. We create it just like we created the way we do things now. No big mystery, just do it like Nike suggests. We create a culture to include all and remove culture that excludes anyone. Money culture is abolished and everything for free is put in its place.  

What are we Humans?

All humans are sex and food predators. Some more than others, but still in both. We seek food and sex by hunting, both are stalking prey for basic human necessities. To eat for fuel and sex for pleasure. It’s what we are. There is no changing this, only those that are trying to change this are unstable, illogical and irrational. Attempting to change this is a great way to put one’s self in harms way.  All law enforcement and police are predators for criminals, that’s called stalking, harassment and bullying and labeled as duty.   This is a major problem, for when we accept or normalize this behavior as legal, there is something undermining nature. Civility is used as an excuse to allow it.  Civility vs Nature is conflicting. The friction created separates humanity from adhering to Nature and demonizes nature in favor of trying to change the natural order of things. Molesting natural instincts to allow civility is a method of manipulation and harassment. Setting laws against sex, natura

Miser Culture Is Dead

At 10 we learned those with no money have no fun. If we wanted to go do something we had to pay our own way.  It's this condition of the money culture that we had to adapt to as kids and adults. This lesson wasn't taught to us in school, we got it from our friends back in 1975. We all were subjected to this, yet I made it through with no money and tons of fun. Defying all these conditions, the mentality of "I pay so I get to say what goes" culture was all for naught and control. This led to what we have now and it's all chaos. Just look around, unless you're blind, it's impossible to miss.  The time is now falling into Fall, and all the crap that follows with it.  Pumpkin spice this and that everywhere. From Latte’s to bread loafs.   Nutmeg and cinnamon flavored coffee, enough to drive you bonkers. Autumn is falling upon us once again, you can hear the momma’s and papa's in the back ground …. “All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey”…. California

Where no Human has gone Before!

  Humanity's condition -  Unconditional:  Utopian  Vs Capitalism,  Logical vs Mayhem,   Capitalism is just a cage match fight and we're all losing - wasting resources  and acting like selfish, irresponsible boys in a frat house, at the expense of everyone. Money making is not the American way, it's just when the Americans  are  making money they flaunt it and showcase it, whichever condition the money is made by anyone it's still a competition and that's a road we are on, with nobody at the wheel, going at lightspeed, with the resources wasted on nonessential items for profit only, without public safety consideration, just at an outside chance to strike it rich in mind, so one can be heard or have some extra power to influence or control  others- the "I will be king" with the psychopath and sociopath disorders at the helm.   Hilarious little children still playing make believe on a grand scale. How so?, by past projecting a notion that was outdated when it

Somewhere over the Rainbow

Raindrops and Rainbows are the two things we humans have written songs about. One keeps falling on your head and the other we hope has a pot of gold at the end of it. Well, could we be any more delusional about the gold? Because rainbows are actually a circle and have no end, just like money. There's never enough and it only creates harm, crime and suffering. Raindrops fall on your head with no hat or umbrella, so that's way more logical to us. If we take a look at the hope verses the reality one cannot exist without the other. No rain or water means no rainbows can be formed by a light source, and none more powerful as the sun.  The moon sometimes appears to have a rainbow around it at night when the air on Earth has dense fog or clouds.  A moonbow? no it's just the light from the moon hitting the clouds below it and above us and from our vantage point it's a ring of colors. So this proves the rainbow is a circle with no ending or pot of gold. But on the land rainbows

Abolishing Punishment Culture

Punishment is only good for foreplay of sex. To heighten the experience, feelings and pleasure. On the upside of punishment culture, there is none. The downside can fill volumes of books.  Punishment is unnecessary, cruel and abusive. There is no need for safety, security, protection, prisons, courts, police, censorship, therapy or anything we have as a result of money culture,  in a world of sharing and caring. A human society without the use of money allows everything we waste resources on combating trying to hide or curb the consequences and side effects of it to be saved for future use, on only the essential necessities for life.  The duality of good and bad and right or wrong has been used in human societies for far too long. An immature method of dealing with each other only for the sake of getting what one wants and the corruption of money to force steer the culture to benefit those who pay the most to get their way. Yet someone in each confrontation has to win and lose. The fai


                           Money, Religion   & Censorship of Sex The constant reinforcement of all three Keeps the masses from actually being free The promotion of these should come with a fee A permit to exercise anyone of thee Not in public mind you please But to the home via Television If you wish to brainwash your children  Please do so without my permission But don't infect the populous  Just because you have a surplus Peddle your fear to your own family But beware of those who don't agree The Bill of rights is not the commandments Forcing this to become so is outlandish If you're too old to change Open your eyes to the forced deranged For those who had no choice as a child This will leave you a little beguiled  For those who weren't forced fed this crap Will be the ones who can easily nap Peace is the furthest thing in religious books Money only turns you into crooks Sex is thing that keeps you hooked You could see this if you